Design Blogger

Design Blogger

Design Blogger featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Heavenly Water

Due to the unique nature of the service centers, which have to handle large circulation flow, the design ensure visitors from all directions can reach the service center area swiftly; and at the same time, it provides for visitors who can’t gain access into the service centers momentarily as a venue for viewing and resting.

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The Pavilia Hill

People live with hardly any nature in urban environment, and face various pressures every day, so it is necessary for them to have a healing space at home to release mental and physical stress. There is a Zen word “San Sui Ni Sei On Ari”, which means in nature of mountain and river people can hear clear and pure sound. Under this design concept the design combines the urban elements and the nature elements into one space. Water falling down from celling and expending waves, making it possible to enjoy this space not only visually but also acoustically by hearing the sound.

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The Future of Us

The Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD) Advanced Architecture Laboratory (AAL) was commissioned to design this large-scale building envelope for The Future of Us exhibition in late 2014. The visitors of the exhibition experience a stunning play of light and shade cast by an intricate metal lattice, like a ‘walk in an imaginary forest’. It is the capstone event to round up Singapore’s Golden Jubilee (SG50) year of celebrations.

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One Main

One Main is an office refurbishment that relentlessly deploys numeric command machining of sustainable plywood to evidence the versatility and efficiency available via CAD-CAM design-build processes. The project displaces the combinatorial logic of ready-made components typical of late-industrial process for a seamless and non-standard protocol of customized fabrication. A formal aesthetic emerges from these processes, imbuing the design with a curvilinear continuity at a detail and spatial level.

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The Zephyr

The Zephyr is a multifunctional bicycle storage bollard. As pictured here on the waterfront in Geelong (Australia), the Zephyr is a sculptured bollard, a classical design element. It brings Art to the environment where the enjoyment of the outdoors can be appreciated, either alone, or with friends. So, use it to park your bicycle, enjoy the view, enjoy the company of others and enjoy the style and sheer sumptuousness of the Zephyr.

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Grotto Sauna

Perched at the northwest edge of an island in Georgian Bay, Canada, the Grotto Sauna is a feat of old-world craftsmanship and new-world sustainability made possible by cutting-edge technology. When the clients - avid architecture and design enthusiasts - commissioned the studio to build a sauna, they wanted “to be surprised” by the out-of-the-ordinary and to be part of a creative storytelling process. Inspired by an Italian grotto - a secret and sacred water-filled cave - the experimental design pays homage to the extremities of the landscape to forge a compelling architectural experience.

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