Design Blogger

Design Blogger

Design Blogger featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University

The university is located in Suzhou, where the famous Taihu stone is unearthed. The design of the Administration Information Building was inspired by the porous nature of the stone due to long time of erosion. The pores and holes are transformed into a void structure with functional spaces linking up different programmes of the building. The voids also allow the building to respond to the users and surrounding context and turn it into a vessel for interaction. The different heights of voids also create a three-dimensional Suzhou garden within the building.

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The Ring

The proposed Ring House consists of a cylindrical volume embracing a rectangular one. The cylinder acts as a protective closed wall with a single narrow opening serving as the entrance, while the inside rectangle accommodates fluidly all the house functions necessary for the everyday life of the artist: a bedroom, a bathroom, a living room, a kitchen and an atelier. The interior space interacts smoothly with the serene outdoor atrium, a large terrace garden with one symbolic tree and a circular water feature.

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Eye of Ra'

The ambition of this design is to merge ancient Egyptian history with the futuristic fluid methodology of design. It is a literal translation of Egyptian most iconic religious tool into a fluid form of street furniture that borrows the characteristics of the flowing style where no specific shapes or design is advocated. The Eye represents both the male and female counterparts in the procreation of God Ra. The street furniture hence is presented in a sturdy design symbolizing masculinity and strength while its curvaceous looks portray femininity and gracefulness.

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Rising Moon

Rising Moon is a temporary pavilion designed to serve as an anchor attraction during the 2013 Hong Kong Mid-Autumn Festival. It re-interpret traditional paper lanterns with recycled plastic bottles on the same time creating a Synthetic Moon, thus promoting the message of environmental protection. Rising Moon offered strong visual impact with sound and lighting effects externally and internally. The design received the Gold Award at the Lantern Wonderland Design Competition.

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Screen House

The existing house was dark and poor cross ventilation. Therefore we propose a new concept to have large windows, but at the same time filtering the heat from the sun. The stairs acts as an airwell with a skylight and ventilation vents.Thus improving the air circulation in the house keeping it constantly cool. The screen on the external facade not only acts as shade from the sun but also giving privacy for the user as the neighbouring houses are built closely to each other.

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The Smartstreets-Cyclepark™ is a versatile, streamlined bike parking facility for two bicycles which fits in minutes to enables rapid improvement of bike parking facilities across urban areas without adding clutter to the street scene. The equipment helps reduce bike theft and can be installed on even the most narrow streets, releasing new value from existing infrastructure. Made of stainless steel the equipment can be RAL colour matched and branded for Local Authorities or sponsors. It can also be used to help identify Cycle routes. It can be reconfigured to fit any size or style of column.

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