Design Blogger

Design Blogger

Design Blogger featuring great design, architecture, fashion, graphics and innovation from across the globe.


Big bin

The Big.Bin is a container designed to help humanize the city. Its clean shapes approach it to the domestic sphere, seeking greater empathy with the user. Its gentle and rounded forms create an organic volume easy to integrate in any environment, making it perfect for city centres, parks or residential areas. Big.Bin’s container island will create an accessible and clearly identified space for waste collection in the city, encouraging selective collection among citizens.

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The Float

We design architecture ,interior and landscape in this project. The case is a “Realestate Agency”, the name of the realestate is [Sky villa], so conceive the the concept with thus case name as starting point. And the project is located in Xiamen downtown, the conditions around the base are unfavorable, there are old apartments and construction site, opposite is a school, no landscape surrounded. In the end, with the concept of [Float], pull the sales center to a height of 2F, and create own landscape, a stack- level pool, so the sales center likes floating in the water, and the visitors go across large acreage of pond, and across the ground floor of sales office, walk to the back stairs and go up to sales hall. The construction is steel structure, building design and interior design seek the integration and unity in technique.

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Haj House Complex

Light, shadows, shelter, pilgrims, garden, paradise… the concept of the Haj House Complex in Lucknow is hereby, through this proposal, addressed as a cord connectively fastening the stems of some of the main features in Islamic traditional architecture; by trying to be much more than just the sum of different functional requirements housed within “rational” buildings, we wanted to push stronger and farther, in order for those concepts to be tangible in the final scenario.

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Nanbu Eye

Located by the Jialing River, this gymnasium achieves harmony, openness and interaction with nature. The design is carried out from the three core concepts of earthscape, integration and openness. The overall project is conceived as an earthscape, just like a picture scroll in one stroke along the Jialing River. The city and nature are merged together, the architecture and landscape are integrated, a continuous spatial sequence is formed along the waterfront.

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Skyline Bay

Skyline Bay Community Center traces its roots to the new modern luxury residence architecture art and surpasses the imagination of traditional residence, creating a neo-modernism innovative luxury residence with a fearless spirit of subversion and breakthrough. It extracts the meandering and streamlined elements of Shaxi to the north side of the plot, integrates the inspiration of time and light, and uses the flowing lines as the main frame of the exhibition area.

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MRC Vison

The design of Marche Vison was rooted in an effort to preserve an authentic mountain experience whilst ensuring accessibility for wheelchair and pushchair users. The structure, divided into four buildings, incorporates tiered platforms connected with ramps, maintaining the fun of a trail-like stroll and the fluidity of the view. This upward movement, from the terrain to the expansive roofs, encourages the gaze upwards. A distinctive aspect of this design is the continuous eaves running across the buildings, creating a long cascading curtain of rain, promoting a deeper connection with nature.

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